The Good Father.

A sauce packet detonates, exploding like a BBQ firework as it’s thrown against the wall. Wrappers and stray chunks of food litter the tables and floor. They yell over one another, louder and louder, a positive feedback loop that can only end in the rupturing of eardrums. One kid walks across the seat cushions right in front of me, from one booth to the other, like the floor is fucking lava.

As I’m mopping up a large drink one of the kids spilled, just beneath another litter-filled table, one member of this gaggle of giggling idiots darts by at Mach 10. In the process of doing so, he catches the leg of his shorts on the mop handle, almost de-pantsing himself in the process.

I bark, “Hey!,” and after stopping a moment to apologize and catch a breath, the jacked-up poster-child for pro-choice just picks up where he left off.

Where are the parents, you ask?

Probably at home, their negligent fathers still convinced their pull-out game is strong despite evidence to the contrary, so both them and the wives consequently busy making more unsocialized crotch-goblins they’re not prepared to care for.

No matter, they’ll just send their little sociopaths to the local fast food joint, where a 45-year-old, childless bachelor with bleeding ears and rising blood pressure will be forced to clean up after them and carefully bottle up his rage so he doesn’t go ape-shit on the little spidermonkeys.

I should’ve been a fucking librarian.

After wheeling the mop bucket into the corner, I take a deep breath, averting eye contact with anyone, and approach the door at the front of the building. Slipping out, I proceed to smoke a cigarette and reconsider my life choices.

A few puffs in, a girl walking down the sidewalk turns her head towards me, makes an “o” face, smiles, and laughs in apparent lunacy. Even given the tell-tale signs, it takes a moment for me to realize who this is, as I’m not accustomed to seeing her in anything other than her fast food costume.

It’s Psycho.

A pretty girl of perhaps seventeen years of age, she’s been a coworker of mine for the last two months or so. She’s prone to dramatic outbursts of energy which marijuana either serves to quell or exacerbate, depending on the day. As she walks up to me, I ask her why on earth she’d elect to come here on her day off, and she doesn’t hesitate to tell me that she’d much rather be here than home.

Then she bears all. Cliff’s Notes of her life story comes rushing out in firehouse fashion.

She tells me how her father and step father have both raped her. How her step-father would frequently do so when she took a shower. How her father would hold her and her nearly half a dozen siblings at gunpoint when any of them left the house. She explained how he’d walk behind her, keeping the handgun under his shirt, pointed at her back.

One day, she finally called the cops on him, and that’s how she escaped that fucked up circumstance and the state of South Carolina and came to live with her mother and her mother’s wife here in Ohio. Her mother who, while not physically abusive, at the very least, isn’t much of a mother, either. Her wife? Evidently a total bitch.

I know she’s not lying about any if this, and so it blows me away how she tells me all of it so casually, without teeth clenching, devoid of teared-up eyes. She just says it matter of factly. As if to say, hey, this is just what happens, isn’t life crazy?

It fucking breaks my heart. I feel myself crumbling inside.

It’s no wonder she has issues with men. It’s no wonder she gravitated towards that negligent and selfish bitch, May, who takes delight in lying and excuses her habit of constantly cheating on her girlfriends and obsolving herself of guilt by referencing her “abandonment issues” and other psychological glitches.

Shitty relationships is all Psycho has ever seen, ever known, and the familiar provides comfort, which is a more reliable source of psychological security than the risk of the unfamiliar, however much higher the odds of attaining happiness might be.

I was again reminded how some parents just shouldn’t be parents, which immediately brought my mind back to the circus of amphatamine-fueled midgets occupying the dining room on the other side of the window to my back.

Had my assumptions been too harsh?

When I was a teenager, I suddenly reexperienced — as opposed to simply remembered — something that had occurred earlier in my youth. This kind of thing had happened before, but this particular instance was different.

I was at my friend’s house, in the bedroom he shared with his four other siblings. It was a rare instance in which they were left alone, unsupervised by their strict parents, and apparently all the energy they’d been forced to repress had built up a surplus so that when they were finally alone for a brief period, it all exploded.

They were running around like lunatics. The youngest, a boy, climbed atop the toy chest, wrapped a blanket around him and lifted a flashlight high into the air with one hand, pretending to be the Statue of Liberty, and began singing the Star-Spangled Banner at high volume.

Given I knew what was coming, this must have happened before. I dropped to my belly, scooted beneath one of the bunk beds, and awaited the inevitable. I didn’t have to wait long until the door burst open and in came the father with his belt.

For all I knew, maybe it was the same with these kids. Maybe their parents were as insanely violent as my friends father was, and now that they were unsupervised, the volcano of energy erupted.

When the cat is away, the mice will play.

Maybe I just don’t understand because, unlike them, I had loving and present parents. It’s true that my mother and I had serious issues up until maybe my mid-30s, but it’s clear as day to me how lucky I was — how lucky I am — and certainly in a relative sense.

Many boys have fathers that are abusive, negligent, or altogether absent. I can say without hesitation that my father is and has always been my favorite fucking human being ever. I could never hope to express how much I love the man.

So yeah, I’m lucky, so maybe I’m just being ignorant given my different, personal, historical context and I really shouldn’t be mad at those untamed circus monkey children that invaded our fast food dining room.

Later, I was talking with Brian, another maintenance guy, back in the stock room. In the midst of conversation, he tells me he thinks I’d make a good father. This is a strange coincidence, as I’ve told him nothing about what occurred that day or the shit that had been going on in my head as a consequence.

My immediate response was that he shouldn’t say that.

I tell him that I’ve finally settled into the thought of being alone, and that it probably suited me best. I need my alone time, and that never went iver well on the rare occasion I had a girlfriend — it sure as hell wouldn’t make me suitable for a wife and kids, and at 45, I’d dodged all that thus far.

Come August, I’d be quitting this job, hopefully landing in a better-paying one, and moving into a trailer close to my family where I’d likely live alone until I die. I was good with that.

Maybe I’d get a cat, that was it.

I calmed a bit and thanked him, and confessed I’d been told that before, but it always perplexed me. Plus, I’m not sure I’d want to bring a kid into this world, particularly given it’s trajectory, at least as I see it.

He tells me that this mentality is part of the reason I’d make a good father.

Then he jokingly says this conversation almost seems like a flashback sequence. That we’ll both be looking back on this moment sometime in the future and laugh at my reservations.

“Oh fuck no,” I tell him. “Please, please don’t say that.”

I’ll settle for a cat. I’m just fine with a cat.

Claire & My Chinese Box of a Mind (5/23/23 Dream).

I’ve met up with my family at a gathering in some large, densely-packed room at a house in Pennsylvania. At some point, I notice Claire is there, too, standing against the wall. I haven’t seen or spoken to her in years. So I walk up to her, and as we talk and interact, her state of body and mind concerns me.

She is incredibly skinny, very frail-looking, and speaks in this sort of baby voice. She doesn’t seem to be all there mentally, either. As we speak, she mostly whispers in my ear to talk. She tells me she’s an alcoholic. That she came down here to get into a program, to go to a special school.

She begins kissing me on the lips, which eventually prompts me to deeply kiss her. This surprises her and she pulls back after a moment, seemingly embarrassed. Behind me, I see some woman, maybe in her 50s, looking in our direction in a very disapproving manner, and I suddenly feel guilty over the public display of affection.

There’s some other guy we both know with us now and suddenly, without warning, Claire tries to reach her hand down his pants, but we both stop her.

“We used to date,” she says, suggesting that, to her mind, this made it okay. I try to make her understand that if she did this, it would be bad, and that it would perhaps me many years before she could look back on it and see it as funny in retrospect.

Then I wake up.

I grab the yellow notebook nearby, and try to commit the dream to writing before the details fade. I get distracted by the actual party, however, and after it’s over and everyone leaves, I leave to walk home. I kept getting lost and trapped, however. I was trapped in a pit surrounded by garbage at some point, trying to get out, and then found myself trapped in fenced-off areas in what seemed to be backyards.

I finally got out my cell and called my dad, but failed the first time. The second time, he picked up, but he speaks in an ominous tone and in a cryptic way that seems to suggest he’s angry that I’ve forgotten something, or have failed to realize something.

I asked if they could pick me up. He asked if it was Wednesday, and then said that maybe we should wait until midnight. As I wake up — again — I’m uttering aloud a perplexed and frustrated, “What?”

A dream within a dream. Again.

I grab the yellow notebook — again.

My mind is a fucking Chinese Box.

Of Hearts & Farts.

For the last week or two, I’ve noticed it. Driving to and from work, to and from my parent’s house, all across the road is splattered the punchline to that age-old, eternally stupid joke: what’s black and white and red all over?

Fuzzy little puddles of stink, that’s what.

According to social media, February is their annual fuck-fest, but that doesn’t help explain the roadkill.

Unless, for whatever reason, many skunks are unable to find true love this season and, weighed down by profound loneliness and depression (and taking a cue from deer) they stand on the roadside, Goodbye-Cruel-World-style, and elect to end their horribly odorous life sentences by means of vehicular suicide.

If so, my heart goes out to those poor, little stinkers, truly.

I must confess to having something akin to a phobia regarding skunks, however, that began when I was a Little Ben and we still lived in our suburban home.

A small distance behind our garage was a chain link fence separating our backyard from a field. Beside our garage, an identical fence separating our property from the neighbor’s. At the intersection of those fences, there was a woodpile.

I was in the backyard one fine day when my mother came up to me. She guided me to the opening of the sort of alleyway between the neighbor-fence and the garage and told me to stay there. She and Dad were going to poke around and rustle the woodpile in the back and I was to keep an eye on it and yell to them if I saw anything. Without further explanation, she left.

I stood there, watching as the whole woodpile jostled, as foretold. Watching as the skunk slipped out from the woodpile and pranced one, two, three times down the alley, stopped, and stood up on its hind legs.

He froze. I froze. We both held eye contact for what seemed like forever. After that, the only thing I remember is finally summoning up the courage, despite my simultaneous paralysis, to yell:


Previously, I had only known of these creatures through Pepe Le Pew of Looney Tunes fame, whose sexually aggressive affection towards that female black cartoon pussy undoubtedly led to him being targeted during 2017’s Me Too movement.

This was the first time I’d seen such a stinker in real life, though it was by no means the last.

In my 20s or 30s, I was strolling along on a sidewalk in a nearby college town one night, passing by a fence, and when it ended, I saw movement in the grass to my left. So I turned my head. There stood a skunk on its hind legs, just as in my childhood experience.

We met eyes, my adrenaline surged, and I kept walking — and didn’t look back.

Again, I saw one when taking the trash out to the dumpster corral at work one evening, though it only turned the corner as I was smoking and swiftly darted in the other direction.

I have nothing against the Oreo-colored bastards themselves, mind you, but I’m utterly terrified of getting skunked. I remember it happening to the dogs we had after we moved into our rural home in 1988, after I turned ten.

It was horrible.

If it ever happened to me, I’d feel like the olfactory equivalent of a leper.

It would likely happen back by the dumpsters at work. I’d have to call the store, inform the closing manager, remotely clock out, and go home. And I currently live in a one-bedroom apartment on the third floor, so I couldn’t walk inside. My putrid perfume wouldn’t be effectively camouflaged by the perpetual weed smell in the hallway, not by a long shot.

What would I do?

As I drove home from work the eve before Valentine’s Day, I wondered. As I anxiously gripped the wheel, stared at the road, I imagined. I tried to think strategically.

I’d have to park at an isolated distance in the lot, that much was clear.

Then I’d have to break into one of the neighbor’s garages and hopefully find a kiddie pool I could “borrow” and then drag it to an isolated area nearby, most likely be the cemetery across the street.

I’d then have to DoorDash a couple gallons of tomato juice, select the “no contact” delivery option, and have them leave it in the vestibule of my apartment building, wait until they deliver and leave, and then sneak my hell-scent-neutralizing tomater sauce back to the stone-labeled corpse-garden, empty it into the pool, strip myself of my second skins, jump in, and frantically slather it over my pasty, hairy corporeal form.

I’d then have to exit the cemetery gates in the dead of night, naked and dripping red, hoping no one saw me and mistakenly assumed I was a bloody zombie or had just finished conducting some violent, sacrificial, graveyard ritual, all the while striving to locate a garden hose hooked up in someone’s backyard so I could pressure-wash myself clean of veggie-guts.

Or fruit-guts. Whichever category you think a tomato ascribes to. Hell, for all I know tomatoes are non-binary now. It’s hard to keep up nowadays.

In any case, then I got home, and that vivid scenario went to shit. I Googled the fuck out of it and discovered, to my dismay, that tomato juice doesn’t really kill the smell. That it’s all a myth.

Well, fuck, I thought to myself. All that time, all that energy, all that creative thought invested in such an utterly paranoid scenario, now revealed to be based on a lie. All of it shot to shit.

What now?


I’d have to DoorDash de-skunk solution with no-contact delivery, strip to pastey skin in the truck, slather that neutralizing lotion all over myself. Then I’d have to high-tail streak the way to my apartment before anyone saw me or I became a Ben-cicle in the frigid fucking February weather that these jet-black, white-backed, squirrel-tailed fart-cats idiotically elected as their goddamn mating season.

Still a dilemma. Still an inconvenience. And I’d have to de-skunk the goddamn truck, at least the following morning, too. Or hitch a ride.

I mean, fuck.

As if the Puxatony Phil Groundhog weather forecast on the second and the Valentine’s Hallmark Holiday today didn’t make this month, however short in comparison to the eleven fucking others, unnecessarily absurd and loathsome enough, it has to be the season where these fluffy, sentient stink bombs like to engage in their ol’ in-out, jackhammering festivities.

Or apparently go full-fledged, wrist-slitting emo and dart in despair into oncoming traffic.

Appropriate enough, I guess.

I mean, this wretched February holiday stinks so bad the wretched ass-gas of it has you holding back tears, am I right?

A Prison of Amnesia & Illusions (11/4/23 Dreams).

I. Lab Rats.

The entire dream seemed to be about us all going in these circles, these cycles, we were placed within by a higher force or intelligence, but we also somehow seemed to be physically bound to a locale as well. Most centrally among my companions was this girl I knew from childhood who used to live across the street from our suburban home. Her and I kissed at some point in the dream and began developing something as these cycles continued.

At one point as her and I were walking along a forest-lined road, I discover that she didn’t recall having ever gone to the beach with me or anything about our budding relationship, and that other events that had happened seemed lost to her as well. The rest of us came to the conclusion that “they” had taken away some of her memories, leaving her with only selected ones, and that this whole thing — the routine, being trapped in this place — was about them testing on and studying us like lab rats.

After I awoke from the dream, as my eyes were still closed and I was going over it, trying to remember all of it, it reminded me for some reason of the movie, The Forgotten, though it took some searching on the net for me to finally find the title of the movie after I got up around 9:30. As I reflected more on the dream after being awake, though, I found it reminded me more of Dark City, which I ended up finding on the net and watching.

Afterward, still feeling tired, I decided to lay back in bed sometime after one in the afternoon, do some relaxation exercises, and try and take a nap. I woke up at about twenty after two after having had a strange experience on the dreamscape.

II. “I Know This Isn’t Real.”

I’m looking everywhere, all around my parents property for two things, neither of which I can find, so I start walking around the block. Interestingly enough, I found one of the items — the wheelbarrow — alongside a dirt road maybe halfway around the block. As to how it got there, I could only assume that someone had stolen it.

I began walking with it back home, but then saw what I recognized as my parents old porch swing a few paces away on the other side of the road. After thinking back for a moment, I thought I recalled her telling one of the neighbors they could have it, so I surmised that this must be the neighbor in question. I then noticed a land line right by the swing with the phone off the hook. With some struggle, as it wouldn’t latch at first, I managed to put it back on the holder.

Finally making it back to my parent’s long driveway, I begin walking as the day descends into night. As I began to approach the house I suddenly realized I didn’t have the wheelbarrow with me. I felt confused, embarrassed, and a little frightened about what I assumed had to have been my absent-mindedness, and walked back down to the end of the driveway to discover that I had indeed left it there.

Once I finally get back to the house, it’s dark, and walk inside. My mother and sister, Eve, are there, talking amongst one another and not even acknowledging my existence. I try to tell my mother about the wheelbarrow, but whatever I do, I can’t seem to get her attention — she just keeps ignoring me and talking to Eve. After the third attempt, I scream, “Fuck it, fine,” and walk around the dining room table, which finally gets her attention.

As I then proceed to walk into the kitchen, where she stands, I scream that I’ve been trying to tell her about something but she won’t listen, and I’ve tried getting her attention three fucking times now. I’m furious. All this hassle and confusion trying to find the wheelbarrow and I can’t get her to even pay attention to me long enough to tell her.

At any rate, as I’m yelling at her in the kitchen she finally looks at me, the first time since I walked in the door, and she just looks me in the eyes and flicks me off before turning around again. In response, I hold up both my middle fingers and stick them in her line of sight.

“Two for you,” I say. “I found your fucking wheel barrow.”

Shorrly thereafter, I sit down on the floor in front of the television with Eve beside me a short distance away, I think on a chair. Then my mother comes in and sits beside me, deliberately hitting me with her knee as she does so. I don’t react. I just sit there angrily, hand on my chin, trying to ignore her, staring at the screen on the boxy television on the floor, just stewing, steaming.

Suddenly, for whatever reason, I begin to suspect that somethings incredibly off about all this. That it was all an illusion, all a dream. For a moment I called myself crazy, as my vision was so damn clear, but I soon became absolutely convinced.

That was when I turned to my “mother,” grabbed her by the shoulders, and screamed as loud as I could, with all the rage swelling in me, “I know this isn’t real,” but no voice came out. I screamed it louder, and this time I could hear it, however faint, but the dream darkens, fades, and for a moment it feels as though I’m in that otherworldly Void I often go to during my astral projections.

Then I wake up.

I’m downstairs at my parents house and the family is around me. My mother wants to say something to me, but I politely tell her to wait a second, as I have to piss. While I do need to pee, it’s also because I want to write down the dream I just had on my phone before my memory of it fades.

First, though, I have to piss, and as I race to the bathroom stuff falls out of my pocket. I decide to pick it up later. Once inside, I pull down my pants but become utterly confused when I see my boxer shorts. They have sort of a patchwork pattern, though the biggest patch is red-colored with tiny white hearts on it.

I’d never buy this. I’d never wear it.

In any case, I start to piss, but accidentally piss on my father’s shirt, which for some reason was draped over the toilet seat.

Something seems off about all this, I think to myself. I can hear my parents outside the door, talking to each other about the trailer they’re helping me move into next August, but by the time I finish up and exit the bathroom, they’re already upstairs, preparing to go to bed.

I pick up the things that fell out of my pocket — some money rolls to roll some change of mine — and then remember that I wanted to write down that dream, but I left my phone in the bathroom, so I walk back in. I’m shocked to find the toilet’s no longer there. In its place is my old computer chair, which had broke. I inspect it, however, only to discover that it’s no longer broken.

“I’m not still fucking dreaming…?”

As soon as I say it, I wake up in bed.

My Parents’ Bunker (9/11/23 Dream).

My parents have a bunker on their property — or perhaps more appropriately, a multi-leveled underground city. The initial room is rather bland and vacant save for big boxes of candy, among them KitKat and Reecies cups. The deeper levels have areas akin to an upscale hotel or college campus where you can relax and read or watch television. Some areas mimick natural settings, like a beach and a lake, and others are akin to an amusement park. At some point I recall wondering to myself how my parents managed to afford all of this.

In one area there was a sort of train, but the cars were like glass boxes you sat inside, and as I rode along inside of one along with others, I saw my friend, Elizabeth, working inside a glass booth.

One guy talks me into going into a rather dark and crowded bar with him, where he meets up with his girlfriend. As I’m standing there, some girl leans her back on me and we start talking and there’s some mild flirtation going on. I can finally see her face somewhat and she reveals that her and I know each other from high school — some reasonably-attractive redhead I used to know.

At some point, the electricity goes out in the bunker. Once the lights come back on, as we’re trying to ascertain what had happened, one of the redheaded twins I worked with until recently — the one I tended to focus on specifically — suggests that we take a look at the security footage from the cameras placed all throughout the bunker.

I’m suddenly distracted from solving the mystery, however, when I suddenly remember that my parents are down here somewhere. I needed to check on them to see if they’re all right. I first find my mother, who is hurt, though I can’t remember the details. I go to a higher level so as to get better phone reception so I can call for an ambulance, but before I get a chance to do so, I find my father. I find him on the ground, a few others around him — apparently he’d fallen out of one of those glass box train cars. He had hurt his head, and I could feel the tender, soft, bruised area at the top of his skull.

I then tried to call an ambulance for two, but became very anxious. I wanted to take charge but was terrified I didn’t know how to handle this alone.

More Violent Dreams.


While I was busy doing something else, someone — I think it turned out to be dad — took my car in and got it fixed. Under the hood, it looked too clean and spacious, which made me nervous. When I put the key into the ignition, the truck sounded too quiet, and it drove perfectly. There were huge holes in the pavement right before I got onto the road — more like huge, gaping cracks in the pavement than potholes — and I almost fell in one but got to the road okay.


Dad had wrapped up a dead body in white sheets, put it in a wheelbarrow, and asked me to put the corpse in the shed. Out there by the shed, I decided to have a cigarette before moving the body. As I smoked, I wondered how it made him feel, wrapping up the body — if it disturbed him. I wondered if he was traumatized by it or was okay with it. I knew he hadn’t killed the person himself. I think it may have been me. I also wondered about it stinking up the barn, and knew that putting it in there couldn’t be the final solution. Eventually, I ended back at house only to realize I’d forgotten to put the body in the shed. I had just left it in the wheel barrow by the shed door and realized I should take care of that before someone sees it and starts asking questions.

Evidently, dreaming of hiding a dead body may suggest you’re attempting to hide something — potentially aspects of yourself — from others in response to overwhelming guilt and you’re terrified of being found out. In general, it’s thought to represent fears of criticism and judgment.

In general, fathers represent wisdom, and we often dream of them when feeling lost. This may suggest I don’t know how to handle these aspects of myself. Wheelbarrows represent hard work, which perhaps suggests the degree of effort I put into hiding aspects of myself, and sheds represent shelter and protection — though the dream suggests I nonetheless failed to accomplish sheltering and protecting these aspects.


The cute, red-headed twins from work were going to a place they called by name, though I can’t remember the name, and asked the manager if I could come along with them and the others. They got permission and began walking down the sidewalk, with the others and I following behind. We came to the place, which turned out to be a restaraunt inside a larger building. As they went to sit down, I decided to go out to smoke, as the urge was intense, but I realized I couldn’t smoke just outside the restaraunt, but had to go outside the larger building it was within. It was difficult pushing the doors open, as there were things pushed against it from the outside.

Also, maybe in the same dream, I was inside a boat on land that was attached to a building in such a way that it constituted a singular structure, though not an entirely stable one.

Buildings are supposed to represent some aspect of the self; our inner architecture. Public buildings specifically reference social aspects of ourselves and our social relations, perhaps as it pertains to our job. The Russian Doll theme of a building within a building could reference how I compartmentalize myself, and my desire to relax and enjoy myself requires effort in escaping the social situation. As for the boat attached to a building, it may suggest my attempt to bring my intellectual inclinations to explore and grow into the social sphere and my external life in general and how unstable that feels.


I think others and I were on the run from someone. We visited a house with multiple stories, on big plot of land, owned by an old lady and occupied by her and others. She was very protective of her land. I had gone there for third time with friends of mine for a specific purpose, hoping she wouldn’t remember me, and trying to elicit sympathy in an effort to manipulate her for what we believed to be a good cause. She acted as though she didn’t recognize me at first, then ultimately surprised us all by shooting at us. I felt a rain of bullets pierce my skin but somehow survived. I briefly woke up in bed out of the dream and I could still feel where I had been shot in my side. Elsewhere in dream, after recovering, I was graduating in some way and moving away, secretly gathering up things — documents, I think — that I had hidden so as to take them with me.


I don’t know if I got in a fight or what exactly happened, but my face was banged up and swollen when I looked in the mirror.

UFO Dreams & the Seneca Stones.


I’m sitting with a small group of people on a very small porch or set of stairs that hardly has enough room for all of us. It vaguely reminds me of the steps just outside the residence of the parents of two friends of mine from high school. We’re all looking up into the night sky, beautifully splattered with stars, and I become fixated on a few dimly-lit, colored “stars” moving back and fourth across the heavens above us in erratic paths. No one else says anything and I wonder if I’m the only one that sees them.

The dream leaves me with the same general emotional state these dreams, which have been recurring for three decades now, always leave me with: a sense of awe tinged with fear that lingers for the rest of the day.


Luminescent tube-like objects, each slightly twisted in a different manner, appear all over in the dark night sky. They don’t move, but simply hover there. No one knows what they are and everyone seems to be simultaneously awed and frightened by them. I appear to be living with my parents, or at least my mother, and I watch the glowing sky-tubes in wonder from my bedroom window, curious as to what they are and why they’re here.

The next day, a guy comes to visit and shows me a stone he found in his yard that morning. It’s a flat stone into which an elaborate design has been carved and for some reason he wonders if I know anything about it. He had a similar stone that was stolen from his house sometime the previous night, and I immedeately jump in and tell him that I had mysteriously found it lying on my bed that morning. He explains that they’re both from the Seneca Indians, which I know to be my ancestors from my father’s side, though I don’t tell him.

It’s been some time since I’ve had one of these dreams, and I find it curious that I suddenly had two of them in the space of a single week. I have, of course, been following the UFO subject in the news quite closely and watched the sky from my apartment window last night during a severe storm and tornado warning in which the power went out, so perhaps that in part accounts for last night’s dream.

Immedeately upon awakening I looked up the Seneca Native American tribe to see if they actually existed, and they do indeed. While my father’s mother always insisted she was part Native American, she was a rather strange lady and my father always doubted it, and his results from revealed no indications of any natives in our bloodline. Why the dream chose Seneca specifically makes me curious…

Darkening Dreams of June & July.


Another person is moving into an apartment that I have to share with others, so I’ll have no privacy, no room to sleep. I look for a stash of pills I remembered having, but I’m not sure if it was in my old apartment, where I lived by myself, or this one. I look in the bookcases, everywhere I could think of.

In the midst of looking, I notice a box high up by television set that hangs from the ceiling, and its marked with masking tape on which is written “Goth Girl 1.” My friend Mitch had evidently made a deal with some creepy guy so we could get free internet. No one had asked what the deal entailed, but now I wondered if the deal was that we’d get free internet if the guy could use it to spy on a goth girl.


I’m marching down an endless series of hallways occupying people, gun in my hand, shooting every time I turn a corner. At some point in the process I wondered how I was managing to shoot the targets and never any innocent bystanders, as I was turning and shooting so fast its difficult to understand how I’d have time to discern which was which, but apparently, I was managing it just fine.

Store manager Kelly was talking to the former store manager, Connie, when I tell Kelly I tried clocking back in from break on the monitors several times, but it wouldn’t let me for some reason. I also recieve a text from my friend, Moe, referencing it had been nearly a year since we’ve spoken (in reality, it’s been longer).


I discovered there was a flat tire on my truck, someone had stolen the sand bags out of the bed, and behind the glass of either my gas gage or speedometer, there was a little gear.

Back in dumpster corrall at work, I watch as a grasshopper about as big as a Bic lighter hop frantically at about chest level. It was slightly frightening and I had the impulse to kick it away, but I didn’t want to be an asshole. Just after I awoke, it bothered me that I couldn’t discern whether this really happened yesterday or was a dream.


I dream about Maria Cox again, but the details elude me.


In a very realistic dream that was more tactile than visual, I bend down for some reason and find myself amazed at my flexibility. My head now right before my crotch, I can feel my dick through my pants — either pajama pants or sweat pants — and build up the courage to wrap my lips around the fabric covering the head.


I hide beneath and around a small table as at least two people are shot and killed and somehow manage to survive without being seen.


A guy kills two people in my room and then leaves, and after some time goes buy I realize I haven’t called the police. Later, I look and the bodies are gone and the mess is cleaned up.

It’s dark outside and raining. I was supposed to watch over my parents’ house and care for the animals, but my mother’s parrot escapes. As I’m outside, frantically searching in the darkness and rain, the parrot begins to run toward me.


Despite the fact that it wasn’t the end of the world, different groups had formed, all of whom were living life in their own way. At my parents’ house, we were meeting a group that seemed Native American in ethnicity. I told my friend Elizabeth that I liked it this way; if living with my current group didn’t work out, I’d simply leave and come find her.


It’s night and I’m in a suburban neighborhood akin to the one I grew up in until I was roughly ten years of age, and I’m walking down a tree-lined sidewalk searching for the house I had previously been in. Suddenly I watch as an obese woman in black leather clothing with a black leather fetish pig mask covering the top half of her face dramatically marches down the sidewalk, a line of people marching behind her. Eventually, I make it back to the house where my friends are at and I find that all I want to do — and desperately — is eat and sleep.


Through the gap at the base of my apartment door, I see movement out in the hallway. Gazing out the peep hole, I see what seems to be another door in front of my door, obscuring my field of vision. After awhile, I drift from the door, but then hear the sound of a door closing in the hallway. I then get down on the carpet, on my belly, and peek through the aforementioned gap. I see toys out there in the hallway, with one toy, maybe a car, very close to my door. I push it with finger, it rolls, and then a cat immedeately comes up to the gap. I coax her into squeezing through the gap and entering my apartment, where I rub her belly and she proceeds to meow in a very peculiar manner.

Then, in a blink of an eye, the cat is now a toy car — like a remote controlled car, but this one appears to move of its own volition. It moves around a bit beside my kitchen then seems to want out, so I open door, but as I do, a dog, maybe a weiner dog, tries to come in. I then tell both the dog and car that they’re not mine, that they don’t belong in here.


I’m sitting down at a table, talking with my mother, who tells me about a photo she took of her doctor’s blackboard. The doctor won’t tell her something and I get the sense that she’s trying to ascertain what it was through what was written on the blackboard. She makes some reference to parsimory.

“The principle of parsimony?” I ask her. “Occams razor? The simplest explanation that fits all the available evidence?”

She seems happy and surprised I know about it. Instead of then showing me the photo, however, she instead lets me listen to her voice messages, but I have to put my ear real close. I can barely hear anything at first, and when I finally can, I hear what at first sounds like demonic mumbling. The second message sounds like a disappointed friend of mine, an old friend, who tells me about a party on the lake I was invited to but predictably wouldn’t attend. Then my alarm goes off.


I left a party in an apartment that was being thrown by Elizabeth and step out into hallway, where a group of people are walking by — among them, a guy I immedeately recognize as Nathan, an old friend from high school. He seems disturbed to find that Elizabeth and I know each other, and Elizabeth is disturbed to find I know Nathan. Something happened between them or Nathan and one of her friends, and while I try not to be nosey, I am curious and try to smooth the way and ensure them I won’t judge. Nathan insists that I wouldn’t want to know.

I then try to leave. I’m carrying at least three things, but somehow lose them in my unsucessful, repeated attempts to get out of the building. Most of the dream deals with me trying to find a way downstairs and to the exit, but it seems like I just keep going in circles.


I’m sitting on a big bed with Bella, a redheaded girl with a tragic life that I first met when we worked together years ago. There was someone else there, too. It seemed like an enduring dream involving a lot of conversation, but all I remember talking about is how I liked sex jokes and liked poop jokes, but not jokes combining both subjects. I’d said this to the other person, and Bella laughed and seemed to agree.


I come into work and while changing the trash I see Kara in a tight, black dress. In the bathroom, there’s a friend of hers — a guy — who has a horse, and he brings it into a bathroom stall.


It was one of those dreams where everything takes place in the dark of night, where the emotions and scenery seem enveloped in shadows. I lived at my parent’s house, and though my father was the same as he is in my real lifee, I didn’t feel as though I was the same character. I had killed multiple people, perhaps even a family member, and my father, whom I loved dearly, seemed to start suspecting I was lying about where I was going at night and what I was doing, though didn’t seem to have the vaguest sense about how horrible the truth really was. As always, he wanted to believe in me, think the best of me, and my greatest fear was that he would discover, in the end, all the reprehensible things I’d done. How much it would hurt him, how he would perceive me, what position he’d be forced into given that knowledge — it was unspeakably horrifying to me.

He asked me where I’d been at night, and I lied, saying I was with a guy and a girl (who were brother and sister) that I may have killed, but I made up their names because I couldn’t remember their real ones. When he asked me to call them on their phone, I was stuck. My structure of lies was about to collapse all around me. I remember pulling myself out of the dream, it was so uncomfortable. I then fell back into the dream, or something like it, but I was no longer the character in question.

Matricide & UFOs (5/3/23 Dream).

I wake up in bed, feeling entirely rested and somehow cleansed, after having had the darkest, most depressing, angriest and horrible dream I can ever recall having.

Getting up out of bed, I sit on my computer chair. I don’t make coffee or even have a cigarette. I don’t turn on the laptop. I just stare off into space, stunned, disgusted, horrified, just marinating in the dark, quiet, still sort of emptiness it had left in me.

Everything in me wanted to believe that the dream didn’t come from me, but from somebody else Eventually, I pushed myself to write it down, but it was difficult, and I couldn’t do it all at once

In the dream, I’m looking at the back of some guy, who feels as though he is an older brother. He’s sitting at my desk and using my desktop. I’m angry at him and he’s acting as if I have no right to be. Either he broke the computer or I want to break it so he can’t use it, I’m not sure which, but I comfort myself by thinking to myself how at least I’ll still have my laptop.

In the next scene, I’m in a van with my family. My mother and father are up front, with my father driving, and other siblings are in the middle seats. I’m in the back seat with my younger brother, who is wrapped up in a tan blanket. From beneath the blanket he reveals three items, all of which are from my past but which I had entirely forgotten about, which he then gives to me. The only item I can remember specifically is an old book at least partially on the subject of UFOs.

There is then some tense conversation between my mother and I in which I prove her wrong about something, though she is unable to admit to it. Rather than cowering and backing down, despite being terrified of her and her power over me, I keep pushing the issue. Doubling down, though through a teasing kind of humor. A part if me is trying to get her to admit to it, though I know it’s unlikely; a greater part of me simply wants to anger her and give her a small sample of how she makes me feel all the time.

We all walk into the lobby of an apartment complex or hotel, where I see the unoccupied table for the receptionist. On the desk I find old photocopies I’d made during high school of the MJ-12 documents. I pocket them.

Later, in a dark apartment or hotel room, I keep pushing it, pushing my mother to admit she’s wrong about whatever it was she said in the van.

“The holidays are coming up,” she tells me. “There’s consequences.”

I follow her out into the equally dark hallway, where I confront her with what I suspected all throughout my youth.

“You never wanted to have me.”

“No shit,” she snaps back, not missing a beat, showing not the slightest hint of empathy with me or love from her, and it confirms what I’d always felt in my youth: I am an unwanted burden to her. I am worthless to her.

I am nothing, and I am hated.

Later, at my parent’s house, I’m in the kitchen making coffee, though the filter and the filter basket is huge, like it is at work. In the distance, I think I can hear my parents talking, and I don’t feel as though I’m welcome here. There’s this horrible feeling in my chest. As I’m scooping the grounds into the filter, my younger brother enters the kitchen, comes up to me and tells me that my parents are “cutting me off.”

Abruptly, the dream shifts to the next scene. I’m walking down my parents long driveway towards the house with the family and some other guy. He walks just beside me, with a coat that makes me think he’s a cop or an FBI agent, and he’s holding a long gun. He’s talking as if he’s trying to creep me put, assert power over me subtley through instilling a sense of terror through words that seem playful only on the surface. I suspect he intends on murdering me. As he’s talking about the gun and proper gun safety, I finish his sentence for him.

“… and always keep the safety on.”

In a swift moment, I quickly turn around, grab the gun, aim it at him and fire.

It all goes black.

I don’t see the act itself, all is still black, but I know that I then shot my mother as well, then chopped her up in pieces I then rolled up in bedsheets. I then see a flash, like a still image, of the blood stained white sheets wrapped around severed body parts.

I wake up in bed utterly fucking horrified, but also calm, rested, and cleansed, as previously mentioned. This painful and finally gruesome horror story that played out in my head somehow served as catharsis, and it has made me really concerned about myself all day.

After getting over the horror of the dream, as well as the guilt and shame I felt in the wake of this dream, I was able to look back on the dream symbolically.

My mother had looked younger — which is to say as she did when I was a kid and I still hated her for how she treated me. She also carried the same vibe she did back then: always angry at me, dismissive of me, desperate to maintain power over me and unwilling to accept any ignorance or wrongdoing.

This notion was reinforced by the fact that, in the dream, she was unwilling to accept that she might have been wrong about something: to her, this would mean her sense of superiority would be diminished, and she couldn’t have that.

“The holidays are coming up,” she had told me. “There’s consequences.” What the hell did that mean?

Holidays are a break from the routine, robot life, in which you commune with family and friends — those with whom you have the most enduring connections. She was threatening to abandon me, and this notion was reinforced when, after my confrontation with her. during which she confirmed that she had never wanted to have me, my younger brother approached me in their kitchen to tell me that my parents were “cutting me off,” or severing ties with me.

That’s what it meant. My fear of abandonment. My trust issues.

I think that the matricide may represent my intense desire to rid myself of the ill emotional effects my mother had on me in my childhood. For years I would have spontaneous memories and chronic daydreams about arguing with her, often trying to make her feel as small and unwanted as she made me feel. After my mother and I made amends, my old boss, Connie, took over the role in my head, and it still happens. Connie treated me pretty much like my mother treated me growing up, so it makes sense that I would try to distance myself from my issues with my mother as she had been by using Connie as a sort of stand-in. This dream just returned me to the source material, I guess.

The act of killing her in the dream may represent my effort to eliminate those old feelings and their present effects on me, but the chopping-up part still seems like the most extreme, literal form of overkill.

Honestly, the end of the dream still bothers me, still leaves me disgusted with and horrified by myself.

As for the rest of the family, I hardly noticed my father or sisters in my dream. Though I know they were there, they served only as backdrops here. Present, yes, but otherwise ultimately irrelevant. My older brother was only highlighted in what I remember being the opening scene, but I think he was also there throughout the rest of the dream, though after that initial scene only as a member of the backdrop population. My younger brother played a fairly active role, of course.

I have no brothers in real life, though, only two sisters, so what was that all about?

Brothers are clearly not you, yet are related to you, and so if you’re a man and have no brothers in real life, in dreams it would make sense that they would reflect aspects of you and your relationship with those aspects, and perhaps those in your life which you project them and your relationships with them upon.

What does the older brother in the opening scene symbolize? I’m not at all sure. Given that it dealt with me being angry at him using my desktop computer, however, I do have some initial thoughts, what you might call potential interpretations.

An older brother may represent what I fear I might become. As for the desktop he’s hijacked? To me, computers, as well as the internet – which today is more or less synonymous with computers, let’s be frank – represents my ability to explore what I wish to explore and express how I think and feel, be it under my own name or, if I prefer, anonymously.

A desktop, to me, seems more sedentary, rooted in the stable home base – the Jungian persona, if you will – which is to say something I can step away from but for now must come back to. A laptop or a cell phone, I feel, is more nomadic in nature, is something I can always carry with me, something I certainly can yet need not escape from, wherever I may roam.

So maybe the older brother, representing future-me, comandeering my desktop, represents my fears of ruining myself, my name, my Jungian persona in the eyes of those I care about in the future, and the comfort I still have in thoughts of my laptop represent the fact that I can start again under different names, different faces, or even keep it all private – it is something I can take with me, and which no judgements of others can take away from me.

If he broke the desktop, perhaps my fear is that I will render my persona in this lifetime unsalvagable. If I broke the desktop so he couldn’t use it, perhaps that suggests I’m determined to interrupt the current trajectory.

It may be a hell of a stretch, but that’s all I’ve got.

A younger brother in a dream, however, at least one that you don’t have in real life, it is said, may represent yourself as you were when you were younger. And this makes a good deal of sense to me, at least in the context of this particular dream, and for several reasons.

In the scene in the van, for instance, he sat next to me in the back seat, essentially hiding under a blanket — a tan blanket, like the one I always liked to have on my bed when I was between maybe seven and ten and we lived in our first house. As children (at the very least) we tend to hide under blanket because it provides some semblance of comfort and security in our feeble attempt to hide ourselves from what we fear out there in the darkness of our bedroom. I did a lot of hiding from the monsters of my youth behind doors, in closets, beneath beds, and under blankets such as that tan one, so that tracks,

If he represented a younger aspect of myself, it is perhaps telling that he was hiding not just from the rest of the family occupying the van but also from me. Perhaps he represents some aspect of myself I dissociated from my conscious personality as a child out of fear, and so he became stunted in that child-state for that reason, and so manifests that way in this dream. To carry this interpretation further, I can’t help but notice that from beneath the blanket he had given back to me those three items from my childhood that I’d forgotten about. This could suggest that this compartmentalized, childlike aspect of my consciousness was releasing some contents of my past, formerly unconscious, back into consciousness.

The only item out of the three that I managed to recall from the dream, however, was a book dealing with UFOs. Given the sightings and encounters I’ve had throughout my life and the flashbacks of those creatures I had when I was a teenager of encounters I’d had when I was even younger, this is also consistent with the notion of unconscious contents from childhood rising to consciousness.

The UFO subject was again referenced when my family and I entered the lobby of the hotel or apartment complex, however, so this subject was reinforced in particular.

Hotels are said to suggest one is a transformational or transitional period in their life, and a receptionist suggests a need for assistance or guidance. Though I saw no receptionist, I did see the table, upon which I found photocopies of the MJ-12 documents. I had actually made such photocopies as a teen when I found them in one of the countless books I was reading in efforts to build up a context through which to better understand my experiences.

While the issues with my mother were similar in that they were unconscious contents that arose in this dream, I’ve been uncertain as to how it relates to the UFO issue more directly, but I think I may understand now. I think I may understand the meaning and purpose behind this haunting dream as a whole.

As a whole, perhaps the dream reflects my fears of expressing my true thoughts and feelings and memories because I fear that in doing so I will be judged harshly, whether I am truly understood or not, and subsequently abandoned by the world at large, particularly those I care about. It probably also references the people-pleasing habits of keeping my mouth shut and hiding those parts of myself out of that fear — and the guilt I feel when I’ve expressed myself nonetheless. Perhaps, in a symbolic effort to overcome these fears and regain myself, I had to symbolically kill this fear at the roots, and those fears originated in how my mother treated me in my youth.

So Sick of This Dream Theme (5/1/23 Dream).

It’s dark outside. I park the truck in what seems like an alleyway and begin walking towards the house some distance away, passing by some people outside, clearly members of the birthday party already well underway. A short distance away, I see Lilly near the door, and just as her eyes meet mine I realize I had forgotten my hat, and tell her I’ll be right back before turning around. Before I make it back to the truck, however, I realize that my hat is on my head. I feel like a fool, quietly and intensely hoping that Lilly — my friend, the birthday girl — didn’t notice it.

After being at the party for a short time, my parents and sisters show up, and we sit with Lilly at a big, wooden table. I feel embarrassed and confused as to why I woukd elect to meet up with my family here, and my sense of how awkward this is just grows and grows.

Lilly eventually leans in close to the side of my face and whispers in my ear. The essence of what she said is that they’re going to smoke pot, so I might not want to have my family around. With that, I kindly escort them out without revealing why.

After they leave, I remain at the party for a short time before that familiar feeling of overstaying my welcome and being too socially awkward overwhelms me and I elect to leave as well.

Once leaving the party, however, I can’t find my truck. Its not where I was sure I had parked it. Then begins an enduring period of wandering around the town, with its elaborate alleyways, houses, yards and buildings, still unable to find my truck and now having not the faintest clue as to how I could even make it back to the party if I wanted to.

It suddenly occurs to me that this is remarkably akin to dreams I had periodically in my childhood and began having more frequently the last year or two. The town in question is always different — as a kid, it always used to be the same, desert town that gave off Old West vibes, where I’d either be running around on foot or riding a bicycle, trying to escape something that was chasing me. Nowadays it was a modern town, though always different, and I was always lost in it, looking for something — usually my vehicle. In either case, it always seems to be a labyrinth of a town and I feel frighteningly lost, frantically trying to find the vehicle as I wander through houses, buildings, yards and alleyways, just as I found myself doing now.

At some point I run into my father, who had apparently moved the truck for some reason, but then he leaves and somehow I manage to lose the truck again, so my wandering continues for what increasing seems like an utterly absurd amount of time.

Now it’s getting light out and my frustration has elevated to a mixture of panic and rage. While I slowly begin to realize I’m actually dreaming, I’m determined to stay in the dream and find the truck before awakening, as I always seem to wake up before doing so. I suddenly cry out to the sky while in some alleyway something along the lines of: “I’m so fucking sick of these dreams where I’m lost and can’t find my truck!”

Then I let myself wake up.

This is the most I’ve been able to remember of a dream for the last week or two, though I have recalled remnants.

In a dream I had on April 22nd, I’m Cassidy, the character off of the television show, Preacher, though I’m not a drug-abusing vampire. I’m sneaking around a building, hiding in various places — at one point, in some guys bedroom, where I smoke a cigarette.

In another dream, I’m driving the truck up a hill, but it won’t go fast enough, so I somehow reach out my hands in front of the truck to claw at the road and pull the truck up it faster. Suddenly, the truck is gone and I’m just walking and clawing my way up the hill alongside others, all of us wearing Depression-era clothing.

In the dream I had on the 23rd, though I don’t know if I’m the main character in the dream, it deals with this middle-aged, worn-out looking Secret Service guy who’s job it is to protect the president. I had a vision of him, hair and slight beard graying, sitting on a chair, smoking a cigarette and loking very tired and worn out. I also remember something about a pond or a lake.

Most recently, however — maybe a day or two ago — I had this elaborate dream about visiting some structure like a hotel that was either right by the ocean or atop the ocean like an oil rig. At the end I leave with others on a huge boat, though we leave some people behind. My ex-girlfriend, Claire, was a central character in this dream, and it’s been some time since I’ve recalled a dream of her. In terms of character she seemed very young, almost child-like.

Now my dream recall was returning again, and even within the context of the dream I was getting annoyed with the recurring themes. I know it’s because I’d failed to motivate myself to get a new job, and that I’d failed to find a new apartment. If I don’t by the end of May, my rent will increase by 200 fucking dollars and I’ll be stuck paying it every month for another year.

So I’m stuck with these dreams of being “lost” and not being able to find my “drive.” Of that part of the dream — of so many dreams the last bunch of months — the meaning is clear.

I need to get accessed for ADHD, and soon. If I have it, maybe it’ll give me the focus, the direction, the motivation, the drive I need to get my life in order.