Deer in Headlights.

So I walk into the building, having just finished sweeping the parking lot, when a beautiful, slender, well-tatted woman with long, dark hair meets my eyes with her dark and beautiful own, smiles, and waves. I wave back, but with a tilt of the head and a look on my face that apparently clearly betrays the fact that I haven’t the foggiest fucking clue who she is — and she calls me on it.

“You don’t remember me, do you?”

I shamefully confess that I do not. As soon as she mentions she used to date one of the guys that used to work here, and that she’s now his baby-mama, I suddenly recalled her. Due to how unbearably sexy she was (and is) and the fact that she was dating a guy I knew, I always had to be careful not to gaze at her for too long, just out of respect, and it was a constant struggle.

Now she’s smiling, making great eye contact, and clearly wants a bit more conversation in the least, but I’m so anxious all I can think about is escaping the situation. So I politely say it was nice to see her and go to the restroom before heading behind counter.

I’ve just gotten used to laughing at myself over this kind of shit.

I honestly don’t know how I ever got laid.

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