Show, Don’t Tell (Real World Edition).

In a conversation with the new maintenance guy today, a stream of thoughts popped up in my head that have emerged from the dark of my mind before: I like when people tell me about themselves, I really do, but I’ve grown very suspicious of people who tell me “who” they are with beaming self-confidence.

“I’m a good person.”

“I’m not an asshole, I’m just being honest.”

“I’m not an ass-kisser.”

I suck at writing fiction, but I read and watch a ton of videos on the art. While it doesn’t always seem to apply, one of the typical things they explain is how to show rather than tell. Don’t tell someone about a character, in other words, but rather have that character reveal her or himself in a natural manner.

This suggestion should extend to the real world, too, though perhaps for different reasons.

I mean, inevitably they’ll show me who they are if they stick around long enough, and they must know that, so the only reason I can imagine they’re telling me who they are is that they think that what they’ll ultimately and involuntarily show me will lead me to a contrary conclusion — and often enough, that’s proven to be the case. It’s almost as if they’re trying to convince themselves through convincing me.

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